Sunday, November 3, 2013

Confessions from an unapologetic Christmas junkie

Back in August, Ella asked me, "Mom, I know Christmas is in December, but when can we decorate for it?"  I went on to explain that her mommy is not the typical mommy.  This mommy likes to decorate for Christmas in November!  As soon as she got in the van Friday, she informed me it was November 1st, and that it was time to decorate!  

Now I know there is a prominent holiday in November, and yes it deserves it's share of attention as well (I think it is called Thanksgiving?), but there is just something magical and child-like with Christmas that I can't get enough of, and the sooner it comes, the better.

I had my dad's mom (Mamaw) until I was 11, I remember that she always celebrated Christmas with a great deal of enthusiasm...maybe that's where I get it from.  Every Thanksgiving, we would eat dinner with my mom's parents and family, and then we would go to Mamaw's house that evening to celebrate with my dad's family.  She would have her Christmas tree up and ready for us grandkids to help her decorate.  I was luckily given many of her ornaments and they're now on my tree, which I cherish.  After we would decorate her tree, she would give all four grandkids our CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS early (at least this happened her last couple years with us)!  I thought it was the most ridiculously awesome thing ever!  One year we all got in trouble because she bought us all fake ice cream cones that had a trigger that made the foam ice cream part shoot off into each other's was great.

I also remember my mom wrapping gifts and putting them under the tree.  I was really young when she first taught me how to wrap presents, and often would let me help her.  I loved doing this with her each year and now I get to wrap with my own daughter, which she also loves to do!

I have lots of amazing Christmas memories and many of my favorite times with family occurred during this time of year.  I am so thankful that God sent His Son so we can celebrate Him during this season and so we can create great family traditions :).

Above is a picture of our kids starting a new tradition of creating a Christmas tree out of felt.  I saw this idea on Pinterest last year, and it's a great activity for them to do while you're own decoration skills on! I am hopefully going to post more entries about my absolute favorite time of year as the weeks go on ;)

Oh!  I almost forgot!  If you're a Christmas junkie like me, take a look.  This is the countdown to the 25 Days of Christmas schedule for the month of November.  Enjoy!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Back to school and new routines

The past 10 days have been a whirlwind of activity and emotions in this house.  Ella started her first day of kindergarten last week, and Benjamin started 2-year-old preschool at a Moms Day Out program.  

Ella started off great with no tears, but this week has been hard.  She's SO TIRED! Other than that, she has transitioned pretty well.  She was nervous to make new friends, but her teachers and fun classmates have made her feel at ease.  

Here she is on the first day:
Like the forced smile?  Wasn't in the mood for pictures before school (who would be though, right?"

Here is her daddy and her getting ready to walk in the room - notice how unhappy he is?  He said that if she had cried that he was going to put her in the truck and take her home :). 
Benjamin is a whole other story.  That child can make a friend wherever he goes - he's a social butterfly.  He wasn't nervous one bit about starting preschool. Me walked in the room and said, "hi friends!"  ......too precious.  His teachers told me yesterday that he is so sweet and kind to everyone there, so much so that he gets to be the line leader - he loves that!

Here is his first day:
Such a cutie :). He loves going and collapses in the van on the way home.  

We celebrated our first three days of new transitions with a trip to the lake over the weekend.  It was a much needed getaway and we had a blast with my BIL and SIL. 
Good times with great people!  I'm afraid Jerm has the boat bug though.....maybe when we aren't as busy....which probably means NEVER!

Have a great weekend!  We are headed to the state fair.....lets hope I don't blow up due to eating too many funnel cakes! Yum!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Peace and contentment during a storm

It is very hard to interpret the will of The Lord.  Just when you think, "oh okay, so that's why!", things end up changing again.  And it is hard.  But through Him, we can always prevail knowing that he has a plan in mind.

I preface what I'm getting ready to write with this: it has always annoyed me when people write deeply personal problems on Facebook and other social outlets.  I'm getting ready to do exactly that though - why? #1: Because writing has always been therapeutic for me. And #2: because of a church service that changed my perspective on sharing your problems with others.  Galations 6:2 tells us to share our burdens so that others' burdens may be lightened.  If anyone can read this and have it help them, them, thenI feel like I'm doing my job.

As you knows we decided for me to stay home this year since I didn't land a new teaching job close to home.  We really decided this was meant to be because we found out on vacation in June that I was pregnant with our third baby.  BIG BIG BIG SHOCKER!!!!  We wee stunned but excited at the same time.  My first doctors appointment wouldn't take place until the end of July 25 - I was 9 weeks along.

All the month of July, we gained excitement.  We moved the crib into our room, I bought some maternity clothes because I immediately started busting out of EVERYTHING, and Ella starting overhearing our talks and figured things out easily.

We went for our appointment on the 25th, and we were excited for what we were about to see on the ultrasound.  We have always been very blessed with my past two pregnancies and we have two good, smart, sweet kids.  Because of all of this,we were not expecting to see what we saw: nothing.  As a mother, I knew immediately from looking at the screen that something was wrong.  Everything had formed except for a baby.  There was no baby inside of the gestational sac.  The ultrasound tech was rapidly trying to shut things down, and my emotions were crashing down all around me.  When she left the room, I was a wreck.  Jerm got us out into the hallways where the staff told me to sit In a cushy hidden waiting room.  When we entered the little room, there sat a pregnant lady with new ultrasound pics.  No way did I want to sit in there because I didn't want to ruin her sweet moment with my sobs.  

The doctor told me to have blood work done that day and more done for 4 days later to compare my levels.  If my pregnancy levels dropped off, then that would mean I would miscarry what was inside of me.  The following days were hellish. The waiting and unknown was torture.  We got the dreaded phone call that my levels were dropping and they told me I could wait on my own to miscarry, and if I didn't by the following Friday, then they would schedule a D&C if I wanted to.  

The following Friday rolled around, and things didn't change.  My emotions were getting more settled by that point and I was thinking more clearly.  We decided I would do the D&C because after another ultrasound, there still wasn't a baby.  

The procedure took place yesterday and all went well.  We have been praying for peace, and not so much for understanding because I feel that we will never understand until we meet our Creator of life some day.  He just needed our baby to live with him and I accept that - its hard to accept, but I do.   

We've told very few people about this, but some we have talked to have told us that they have experienced this before, or they know someone who has.  In my opinion, people shouldn't be ashamed. They shouldn't be embarrassed.  They shouldn't blame themselves. It's nature and its God's way of protecting the baby and family from further trauma.  We love The Lord and trust in Him to show us the journey we should take with our family. 

School starts next week, so we are now solely focused on spending these last few days with our sweet girl who's starting kindergarten, and on our sweet boy who's starting preschool.  I feel so blessed that I get to be here for them.  My husband has been great, even through his medic board prep, and this has brought us closer.   

Here's some pieces of advice I have:

1: don't complain about being pregnant. It's hurtful to those who can't get pregnant, and it hurts those who have gone through a miscarriage.  It's like a dagger to the heart.
2:  don't diminish a woman's miscarriage by saying "well at least you already have kids".  Yes we do, but it is still a loss.  If we didn't already have our two kids, it would be harder, and I can't imagine going through this without already having kids. 
3: don't avoid a woman who has miscarried. Luckily this hasn't happened to me - I have great friends and family who have checked on me daily through all of this.  
4: always give thanks even in life's storms because He will carry you through, no matter what.  (I can't imagine what people do during rough times that don't have Him to lean on!  He's my saving grace!). 

Please know I'm not writing this to be like "woe is me!".  I doing so because I want others out there that are going through this to not feel alone.  God is with us and He will never leave us.  Thanks for listening!

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Change in Direction

It has been a while since I've given the ol' blog thing a shot, but I'm feeling like it might be a new hangout spot for me.  Facebook is currently wearing me out with all the junk on it.  I mean don't get me wrong - i love seeing people's baby pictures, life updates and current events....what I hate is the language and attitudes of some.  Negativity wears me out!

So here I am.  No clue what I'm doing, but hey, we'll give it a shot.  

What's new: a change of course in life.

I learned this past spring that I wasn't having my teaching contract renewed at my school.  I. Was. Devastated.  Teaching is my passion, and trying to find a new teaching gig that's not too far from our house, and is convenient to a mom who is by herself a LOT is very hard to come by.  After several attempts of trying to land a new job at schools in our area, we've decided that our children need me at home this year.  

I have always been a worker.  I've held a consistent job outside of my house since I was 15 years old, scooping ice cream at Baskin Robbins ( I was the queen of the Cappucino Blast, my friends).  So needless to say, this is will interesting.  I am really looking forward to it though.  Ella (my 5year-old) is really pumped about it.  Benjamin (my 2-year-old) is happy with me as long as he still gets sausage for breakfast....that's his first love.  A man has his priorities, right?

There is more to come in future posts as to why we came to this decision.  All I can say is that God is so good.....and, He has a sense of humor :). 

We just got back last week from Lauderdale-by-the- Sea, Florida (LBTS to the locals there).  We love it there.  It looks as though you're in the Caribbean, but without leaving the U.S.  It's also nestled on top of Fort Lauderdale and out of the way of all the commercialism, which makes it a great family destination.  Our resort there is great - it's called the High Noon Beach Resort.  It sits right on the sandy beach, where we run from the beach, to the pool, to the room, all day long.  It's great.  

Here are some pics:
Playing with daddy in the sand.
The LBTS fishing pier.
My reading spot by our favorite tiki hut.
My sweet boy!
My precious girl!

On the fishing pier....lack of good railing scared me to DEATH!

They now think they're world class travelers :)

Stay tuned for more as I share more in the future. Have a blessed week!